Public Projects


Tokyar is in the service of the construction industry as a consultant with over 25 years of engineering experience. We offer optimal solutions to all kinds of hydraulics problems. Our services include design development and engineering, and also complete economical analysis, market research, systems analysis, all necessary in-situ and laboratory tests, scheduling, simulation and logistic planning as well. We have a strong network with the academicians specialized in the area in case project requires advanced research or model development.

Tokyar’s civil engineering team consists of fresh and senior engineers that have the ability to combine most up-to-date engineering practices with experience. Our project management team collaborates with our engineers during design process and makes valuable schedule, cost and constructability input; this gives us the edge to oversee and prevent problems that may occur during construction as a result of wrong design decisions.Tokyar has served as a designer/consultant for over 100 fresh/waste water projects all around Turkey.


Tokyar has been serving the public sector since 1983 as a general contractor. We have been a pioneer company in water supply/disposal projects as we combined our design experience and know-how with application engineering and effective management. Tokyar employs superintendents and project managers some of whom have over 20 years of experience in civil type of jobs.

On the contrary to the common practice in the public sector, we have never undertook a project that forced us to sacrifice quality for the sake of profitability. Tokyar has never gone back to the job site after final completion in order to fix a problem due to poor construction. We take great pride in the fact that we have neither run overdue on a project nor left a project uncompleted.

We have built some 4,000 km’s of pipeline in various diameters and built all related structures to those lines, which include distribution reservoirs, elevated water tanks, water captivating structures, pump stations, water treatment facilities etc.Moreover, we are one of the few companies in Turkey with underwater pipe laying experience, equipment and technology.The water supply lines we have built underwater now serve the inhabitants of the islands surrounding Turkish mainland and the underwater discharge lines help keep our sea costs clean.We have certificate of completions for various project scopes that makes us eligible to bid most of the jobs in Turkey.